The following is a month-by-month report in the second-quarter of 2019

(Of course this ministry report does not include my extensive personal ministry to leaders; writing and posting weekly articles; as well as my work preaching with the two campuses of Resurrection Church of NY as well as hours of strategizing and planning for the two networks I lead ( USCAL.US. and ) as well as MMI.


Sunday, April 7, Bronx, NY

I preached in Calvary Christian Fellowship, led by my dear friend Pastor Victor Nazario.

I spoke on the importance of connecting to the church community in order to walk in your calling. God anointed the teaching and many responded to the message and made commitments to serve the church and be more consistent in both attending and participating in the life of the congregation.

Wednesday, April 10, Manhattan, NY

I taught on prayer for the “Pray NYC” movement in the “Church of the City”, led by my friend Jon Tyson.

God moved powerfully and dozens of the several hundred in attendance received “a spirit of prayer” and almost everyone made a fresh commitment to live a lifestyle of prayer and intersession.

Thursday & Friday, April 25 & 26, New Rochelle, NY

I facilitated an invitation-only one day intensive for 45 apostolic leaders connected to me and/or to Christ Covenant Coalition (the apostolic network I oversee) in “The Family Church”, led by my friend Bishop Ray Mott.

We went through five “movements” of Paul’s letter to the Galatians and had an extraordinary experience through this profound dialogical ensemble. Many had never participated in a “hermeneutical community” quite like this and all were profoundly affected and experienced an expansion of vision, wisdom, and passion to promote Gospel movements in their communities and cities.


Friday & Saturday, May 3 & 4, Scottsdale, AZ

I was asked to address several hundred workplace leaders from all over the country in the annual “Pinnacle Forum National Conference”.

I taught both Friday afternoon and Saturday morning from my book “The Divided Gospel”. God gave me tremendous liberty to teach with authority and clarity which resulted in an amazing response to the message.

At the conclusion, dozens of leaders gave me their business cards, wanting to stay connected, and many also said they wanted me to teach in their region. I am thankful I was able to leave them resources for further learning as all of my books on the Kingdom that I brought were sold out!


Monday-Wednesday, June 10-12, Dallas, TX

The Bridge Summit

The national movement I oversee, USCAL, had its annual gathering called “The Bridge Summit”.

This year, we had it in Sojourn Church in Carrollton, TX, hosted by my friend Pastor Terry Moore and administrated by their fabulous executive director Ronna Keller.

It was an amazing corporate conversation, replete with many interviews, roundtables, panels, and keynote presentations.

There were dozens of presenters, including newcomers: Alan Hirsch, Ken Fish, Mark Driscoll, Stephen List, as well as USCAL leaders such as my co-convener Dale Bronner, ICAL convener John Kelly, Harry Jackson, Bart Pierce, Steve Fedyski, Buddy Crum, Kristina Hosch, Chantelle Cooley,  ADF attorney Joe Infranco, and Dennis Peacocke; as well as powerful young voices such as Michael McAfee (director of the Museum of the Bible), John Hammer, church planter Michael Moore, Vince Thomas, Ned Maraman, and my son Jason Mattera (who received a standing ovation after his presentation!)

Furthermore, we rolled out a new joint initiative called Connexus Leadership Netword, led by Greg Williamson, which has a platform that enables workplace leaders from every sphere of society to connect, educate, and inspire one another. (Visit USCAL.US to find out more about Connexus Leadership Network.)

My thanks go to the leadership, staff, and worship team of Sojourn Church who hosted this transformative event with a spirit of excellence!! I can’t wait for “The Bridge 2020”, held in the same church from June 15-17th (you can register now by going to USCAL.US).

Tuesday-Sunday, June 25-30, Manilla, Philippines

The Lausanne Global Workplace Forum

I had the privilege of being selected to serve as a delegate at The Lausanne Global Workplace Forum in Manila, Philippines.

750 delegates were selected by the Lausanne Workplace committee out of 3,000 applicants.

All in all, there were 850 attendees from 108 nations representing every sphere of society. At this event, I led a workshop for several dozen global leaders on the topic “Influencing the public sectors of society” (later retitled on my Podcast as “Dispelling the myth between the church place and workplace”).

There was a robust dialogue after my 45-minute presentation, and I gave out my book “The Divided Gospel” or “Understanding the Wineskin of the Kingdom” to each of the participants. Also, one young global leader in the public sector in Indonesia is connecting with me on a deeper level.

In addition, they asked me to be the table leader to facilitate discussions after each plenary session with a group of six global leaders which included: a retired 2 Star General from the US Air force, a global director with the Navigators, the head of a theological school in India, a director with Compassion International, and a workplace leader in California. Of course, we all connected via dialogue and desire to stay in touch post forum.

Perhaps the most significant times for me at the gathering were the key meetings and connections I made with the Global Lausanne CEO (Michael Oh) and his assistant, Steen, as well as the chairperson of the Lausanne board — my friend Bob Doll. We are exploring ways our various movements of leaders (ICAL, USCAL) can connect with the Global Lausanne movement.

I also had great discussions with the global director of Christianity Today magazine — who said he wants to connect with me when issues related to the global Apostolic movement come up.

Kimberly Thomas, the director of Lead Global 360, (also of ICAL and USCAL), also facilitated a meeting between myself, her husband Bill, and Jo Plummer — the director of the extensive international workplace movement “BAM” (Business as Mission).

Many more great connections were made too numerous to recount — not the least of which was working closely with Brad Smith, president of Bakke University, and meeting with many of my alumni, (I received a Doctor of Ministry degree there in 2005) of whom 54 served as volunteers.

My kudos go to Willy Kotiuga — the Lausanne workplace catalyst and chair of the board of regents for Bakke University — who organized the Lausanne forum, and my friend Kimberly Thomas who led the volunteers; both of which excelled in their logistical prowess and Christlike attitude!

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