October 2021: The Lebanon Report
Daily Report
Bishop Dr. Joseph Mattera arrived in Lebanon on Monday, October 25, 2021.
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
On Tuesday, October 26, 2021, Bishop Mattera met with different leaders. His first meeting was with Rev. Dr. Joseph Kassab, the president of the Supreme Council of the Evangelical Churches in Lebanon and Syria.
Bishop was accompanied by Pastor Kevork Tchaparian, the Senior Pastor of the Spring of Life Church, Lebanon, and Bishop’s assistant, Ted Doudak.
Pastor Kevork Tchaparian, Rev. Dr. Joseph Kassab, Bishop Dr. Joseph Mattera, Ted Doudak
The meeting lasted for about two hours starting 10:00 AM. The following points were discussed:
- The relationships between Evangelical Churches in the Middle East.
- The cultural understanding of the Evangelical Churches in the Middle East and the best strategies to help them.
- Future visits to different districts in Lebanon to meet with different Churches.
- The purpose of future visits is to know more about the structure of the Evangelical Churches and how they serve.
- The bishop proposed to do an interview with the Supreme Council Leader via Zoom with the United States Coalition of Apostolic Pastors (USCAL).
- The Supreme Council President agreed to do the online meeting to discuss the history of the Evangelical Church in Lebanon, how it survived, its culture, and its impact on the Lebanese culture.
Later on, Bishop Mattera, Ted Doudak, and Pastor Kevork signed a contract with the MEDIAFORM SAL publishing house. They agreed to print Bishop Joseph Mattera’s book, “The Divided Gospel” in Arabic. The meeting was done with Mr. Elie Abi Karam at attorney Randa Hanna’s office.
Bishop Dr. Joseph Mattera, Randa Hanna, Mr. Elie Abi Karam, Pastor Kevork Tchaparian
At 3:00 PM, Bishop Mattera had a private meeting with the President of Lebanon, General Michel Aoun, during which the president shared his heart concerning Lebanon. The bishop said that he will pray for him and Lebanon.
Thursday, October 28, 2021
On Thursday, October 28, 2021, Christ Covenant Coalition organized a one-day conference in Beirut entitled “Kingdom-like Church”. The conference was held at the Liqaa Hotel, Rabweh. The conference was attended by 27 Pastors from 20 Evangelical churches in Lebanon.
Liqaa Hotel, Rabweh
The conference started at 9:00 AM and lasted until 03:00 PM in the afternoon. It opened with praise and worship and then two bilingual sessions followed with questions and answers. The main themes of the sessions were around the differences between the Kingdom of God and the Gospel, the role of an effective church in the Kingdom of God, and the generational consequences that follow when the Global Church fails to follow this mandate. Other themes included encouraging believers to function both as priests in the church and as kings in the marketplace, the importance of gaining and discipling the hearts and minds of the young generation, viewing the Gospel as having the blueprints for national structures and not just being an individual moral code, and encouraging Pastors to engage the struggles of their communities versus not escaping them.
Friday, October 29, 2021
On Friday, October 29, 2021, Bishop Joseph Mattera spent the afternoon with General Abbas Ibrahim in his private home in the south.
Their friendship was deepened and they were able to connect on many different levels. Bishop Mattera also had the chance to pray with him and looks forward to working with him.
Bishop Dr. Joseph Mattera, General Abbas Ibrahim