Joseph Mattera

Mattera Ministries International

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The Mandate

Now Available

Vertical Encounter  Horizontal Impact

Explore the profound depths of Jesus’s prayer for unity between the Triune Godhead and His church—an essential element for the world to truly believe the gospel.

This groundbreaking work unveils the vital need for a corporate spirituality that generates an unparalleled horizontal impact. Unlike any other book in recent memory, “UNION” offers a transformative perspective on church unity.

Essential reading for:
– Leaders of movements
– Students of church history
– Those yearning to grow in Christ
– Anyone eager to witness the church’s profound global oneness


The Mandate

Available Now

The Mandate: A Call to Embrace the Restorative Power of the Gospel

Discover the transformative guide penned by a seasoned practitioner dedicated to bridging historic ethnic divides and rejuvenating at-risk communities. This insightful book merges profound theology with actionable strategies, offering a pathway to unity within His church. A must-read for those dedicated to impactful change, this blueprint is ideal for anyone seeking to make a real difference.

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Mattera Ministries International


Redefining Apostolic Ministry in the Body of Christ, Deconstructing the Modern “Prophetic”, and more in the Spring 2024 Edition of the MMI Magazine

Mattera Institute

Developing the Missional Leader

If you are an established or emerging leader desiring to maximize your ministry in accordance with the pattern of the New Testament – this institute is for you!

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available on Itunes and all major Platforms

with Joseph Mattera

While the Body of Christ is not devoid of dynamic preachers/teachers, there is a clear need for seasoned fathers in the faith, who understand how to present the principles of the Kingdom to contemporary society. Join Bishop Joseph Mattera weekly, as he presents a compelling biblical critique of church and culture, and gives scripture-based solutions to the serious maladies plaguing our pluralistic society. This podcast is for all those seeking the truth, desiring to know what the Bible says about the most pertinent issues of the day.

Podcast Page
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Free Book WHEN YOU SIGN UP TO Our Newsletter

My Hermeneutic & Pauline Biblical Theology

Biblical hermeneutics, the art and science  of interpreting Scripture, holds immeasurable significance in developing a proper Pauline biblical theology. The apostle Paul, a prolific writer and theologian, left behind a corpus of epistles that profoundly shaped Christian thought. However, unlocking the profound theological truths embedded within Paul’s writings requires a disciplined approach to hermeneutics.

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Available Now

My Hermeneutic, and Pauline Biblical Theology

This book is framed with a thoughtful paradigmatic description of biblical hermeneutics, which is the art and science of interpreting Scripture. Dr. Mattera illustrates how this framework holds immeasurable significance in developing a proper Pauline biblical theology. Understanding this can be utilized to help equip pastors, movement leaders, and all serious students of the Scriptures who desire to have a missional impact.

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Available Now

The Global Apostolic Movement and the Progress of the Gospel

This work traces its roots from the first Century church and how the protestant reformation eventually catalyzed the modern restoration movement back to the Way of Christ and His apostles. As a practitioner scholar, Joseph Mattera also presents a blueprint for how to build effective local and national networks.

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Available Now

The Purpose, Power, and Process of Prophetic Ministry

As an Apostolic teacher with decades working with all the APEST ministry gifts (The Ephesians 4:11 cluster gifts) Joseph Mattera gives a biblical, practical explanation of many facets of the prophetic that will enable the reader to mature in this important gift.

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available now

The Jesus Principles

If your influence only lasts as long as you do, you failed.

This book will help you reach your full potential, inspire greatness in your spouse, children, and friends, and leave a legacy that lasts beyond your lifetime.


available now

Poisonous Power


available on Itunes and all major Platforms

The Joseph Mattera Show

While the Body of Christ is not devoid of dynamic preachers/teachers, there is a clear need for seasoned fathers in the faith, who understand how to present the principles of the Kingdom to contemporary society. Join Bishop Joseph Mattera weekly, as he presents a compelling biblical critique of church and culture, and gives scripture-based solutions to the serious maladies plaguing our pluralistic society. This podcast is for all those seeking the truth, desiring to know what the Bible says about the most pertinent issues of the day.

Podcast Page
Listen on Spotify

available now:

The Jesus Principles

If your influence only lasts as long as you do, you failed.

This book will help you reach your full potential, inspire greatness in your spouse, children, and friends, and leave a legacy that lasts beyond your lifetime.

Order Today

available now:

Poisonous Power



The author of a number of well-received books, many of Dr. Mattera’s works address the concerns of Christians, marketplace believers, emerging leaders, and pastors who want to renew their communities.



In addition to his longer works, Dr. Joseph Mattera writes a newsletter and blog entries that speak directly to Christians striving to have a greater impact beyond the walls of their churches. Subscribe today and stay informed.



Practical, motivational, inspirational—Dr. Mattera’s classes prepare young Christians to take on leadership roles with their churches and communities and help church leaders learn the keys to community outreach and engagement.


Featured Article

10 Reasons Why I Reject the NAR Part 1

In recent years, the so-called  “New Apostolic Reformation” (NAR) has garnered attention, controversy, and debate within Christian circles.

It was originally a term that Professor Peter C. Wagner gave to describe a global phenomenon related to apostolic visionary leaders launching Christian-based movements independent of typical denominational control. The modern understanding of this was launched in parts of Africa in the early 20th century, exploded in China in the mid-20th century (after the communist government threw out the Western missionaries), and gained popularity in North America in the late 20th century. (For more on this, see my book The Global Apostolic Movement and the Progress of the Gospel.)

Unfortunately, some detractors of the so-called NAR have made it out to be a global conspiracy, ignoring its spontaneous supernatural global development. 



2024 MMI Yearly Report

To my associates and partners in the kingdom,

The following is a brief snapshot of what I have been doing through Mattera Ministries International for the first six months of 2024. Thank you for your continued support, prayer, and, above all, friendship! 

(This report does not include when I preach in my home church or our weekly Leadership Tables via Zoom with 60-100 movement leaders across North America and beyond.)  


Featured Article

10 Reasons Why I Reject the NAR Part 1

In recent years, the so-called  “New Apostolic Reformation” (NAR) has garnered attention, controversy, and debate within Christian circles.

It was originally a term that Professor Peter C. Wagner gave to describe a global phenomenon related to apostolic visionary leaders launching Christian-based movements independent of typical denominational control. The modern understanding of this was launched in parts of Africa in the early 20th century, exploded in China in the mid-20th century (after the communist government threw out the Western missionaries), and gained popularity in North America in the late 20th century. (For more on this, see my book The Global Apostolic Movement and the Progress of the Gospel.)

Unfortunately, some detractors of the so-called NAR have made it out to be a global conspiracy, ignoring its spontaneous supernatural global development. 



2024 MMI Yearly Report

To my associates and partners in the kingdom,

The following is a brief snapshot of what I have been doing through Mattera Ministries International for the first six months of 2024. Thank you for your continued support, prayer, and, above all, friendship! 

(This report does not include when I preach in my home church or our weekly Leadership Tables via Zoom with 60-100 movement leaders across North America and beyond.)  


Nine Contrasts Between His Kingdom and Christian Nationalism

Nine Contrasts Between His Kingdom and Christian Nationalism  There has been much talk and concern regarding so-called Christian Nationalism in ...
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8 Humanistic Errors that Crept into the Modern Church

8 Humanistic Errors that Crept into the Modern Church In my opinion, humanistic values frame much of the teaching and ...
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8 Common Ways People Interpret the Word of God

8 Common Ways People Interpret the Word of God Throughout my years of advanced study in ministry and theology, I've ...
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Five American Myths of Successful Churches and Ministries

Five American Myths of Successful Churches and Ministries In studying the word of God over the past five decades, I ...
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10 Reasons Why Jesus is the Big Story for Everyone’s Story

10 Reasons Why Jesus is the Big Story for Everyone’s Story According to Hebrews 2:10, all things come from, to, ...
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Daily Blog

8 Traits Needed to Represent God to This World

Our greatest privilege is to represent God to this world! The following are some of the criteria the Bible lays ...
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Signs You Are Under the (Unhealthy) Control of Another Person

As a pastor I have studied human nature for more than four decades and have come to the conclusion that ...
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God, Politics, and the Kingdom of God

Whether Christian or non-Christian, any group that has an unbalanced concentration of power (e.g. the Tower of Babel in Genesis ...
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The Healing of the Soul and the Gospel

Definition of soul = the emotions, the will, and the mind or intellect. While much of the focus in the ...
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The Great Church: The Giving Church

When we look at the early church, we see that one of the great attributes that made it a model ...
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Five Ways We Show Thankfulness to God

Whatever you are thankful for in your life multiplies. I remember one day I was very discouraged and realized that ...
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20 Contrasts Between a Victim and a Victorious Mindset

Through the five plus decades I have lived in NYC I have observed many kinds of people. For the sake ...
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Seven Keys to Being an Effective Global Leader

Nowadays, with the flat-world reality of technology, it is easier than ever for key apostolic leaders to connect the world ...
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Spanish Articles

5 Formas Transformadoras en las que la Iglesia se Alinea con la Liturgia de la Creación

La palabra "liturgia" proviene del término griego "leitourgia", que significa "servicio público" o "obra del pueblo". Aunque se asocia más ...
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14 Razones Significativas por las que Jonás Apuntaba a Jesús

14 Razones Significativas por las que Jonás Apuntaba a Jesús  Toda la Biblia señala hacia Jesús, no solo aquellas consideradas ...
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14 Razones por las que los Cristianos deberían creer en la Curación Divina Parte 2

14 Razones por las que los Cristianos deberían creer en la Curación Divina Parte 2  La semana pasada, comenzamos una ...
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14 Razones por las cuales los Cristianos deben creer en la Sanidad Divina Parte 1

14 Razones por las cuales los Cristianos deben creer en la Sanidad Divina  Parte 1  Algunas personas dentro de la ...
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Portuguese Articles

5 Formas Transformadoras em que a Igreja se Alinha à Liturgia da Criação

A palavra "liturgia" tem origem no termo grego "leitourgia", que significa "serviço público" ou "obra do povo". Embora seja mais ...
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14 Razões Significativas pelas quais Jonas Apontou para Jesus

14 Razões Significativas pelas quais Jonas Apontou para Jesus  Toda a Bíblia aponta para Jesus, não apenas aquelas consideradas profecias ...
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14 Razões Pelas Quais os Cristãos Devem Acreditar na Cura Divina Parte 2

14 Razões Pelas Quais os Cristãos Devem Acreditar na Cura Divina  Parte 2  Na semana passada, começamos uma série de ...
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14 Razões Pelas Quais os Cristãos Devem Acreditar na Cura Divina Parte 1

14 Razões Pelas Quais os Cristãos Devem Acreditar na Cura Divina   Parte 1  Alguns indivíduos dentro da igreja erroneamente alinham ...
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Joseph Mattera’s teachings reach thousands of leaders and believers in more than 175 nations. His call is to influence leaders who lead nations. Numerous people in the church and marketplace have shifted their thinking and utilize his material to equip others and reach their communities. Any donation to MMI is an eternal investment that advances the Kingdom of God!


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  • “Dr. Mattera is a unique voice in the Kingdom of God. He is firmly planted as an invaluable resource to those in the ministry as well as those in the marketplace. Invite him into your life and world—you’ll never regret it.”

    Dr. Samuel R. Chand
  • “It takes a clear mind and excellent wordsmithing to communicate powerful revelation and wisdom from God. Few men or women can do this like Joseph Mattera. He is not only biblically correct but spiritually accurate.”

    Dr. Ed Delph
  • “I am a regular at Why? Because there are no leftover subjects being microwaved on this website! I suggest you make Joseph Mattera a regular part of your informational and inspirational diet.”

    Mark Pfeifer
  • “Joe Mattera is one of those rare leaders who possess the qualities of an innovator, an entrepreneur and a visionary combined into one. His integrity is impeccable and his ability to teach his ideas and skills to others is remarkable.”

    Pastor Bob Phillips
  • “Dr. Joe Mattera’s leadership teachings are a refreshing read for me. I highly recommend to both young and old—minister, businessman or leader—to tap into this deep, rich well of anointed, truthful and sound teaching.”

    Bishop Bart Pierce
  • “Following the teachings of Bishop Mattera, my ministry focus has changed, giving me the understanding that I am not only responsible for my local church and the apostolic network that I lead, but for the transformation of my community.”

    Carlos Luis Vargas
  • “Dr. Joseph Mattera is a wise and anointed leader who has provided clear and practical biblical perspective and direction for leaders around the world. His weekly articles and books provide inspired insights to maximize our Kingdom impact.”

    Steve Fedyski
  • “Joseph Mattera is a teacher and theologian whose prophetic insight identifies problems and provides solutions for today’s churches. Reading any of his teachings will sharpen one’s discernment. I recommend his writings for every ministerial leader. “

    John P. Kelly
  • “Bishop Mattera’s articles are always insightful, thought-provoking, profoundly relevant yet biblically sound. I look forward to reading them each week!”

    Bishop Dale Bronner
  • “Joseph Mattera’s articles are always a blessing to me. Joseph’s articles ‘feed me.’ They are ‘feeders for leaders.’ Sorry Australia is so far away!”

    Kevin J. Conner
  • “Joe Mattera has the rare virtue of combining a thoroughly orthodox, biblical outlook with the capacity to think systemically and with a sharp, critical eye toward contemporary culture. He is a prophetic voice to the Church of the 21st century, providing a much needed balance between simplistic charismania and false cultural sophistication.”

    Dr. Roberto Miranda
  • “Joe Mattera cuts to the chase, nails every issue with such clarity and makes you say, “Why didn’t I think of that!”

    Jim Garlow


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