2023 MMI Report
The following report doesn’t give information regarding many Zoom teachings I do, articles sent out worldwide, and many other aspects of my ministry. This is only a snapshot of primarily in-person ministry engagements I have participated in.
New Jersey
On Sunday, January 8, I preached in Agape House of Worship, which Pastor Jide Lavore oversees. I preached on “the Importance of Missional Corporate Prayer,” based on the book of Acts. God moved extraordinarily through prophetic preaching, and the spirit of God fell on the whole congregation. Hundreds came forward to consecrate themselves for God to use them as His witnesses.
Tampa, Florida
On January 18, I taught on “the Generational Church” based upon 2 Timothy in the “Community of Faith“ church in Tampa, Florida. The lead pastor is Ramon Nina. The church is only seven years old and has already grown to have hundreds of people. He has been reading all my books and wanted to meet me and have me minister. God gave me great liberty to teach. It was translated into Spanish and impacted many. I am thankful for the work Pastor Ramon is doing and for Pastor Daniel Benard for connecting me with him. I was also delighted that my son, Jason, could join me.
On January 19, Jason and I spoke at a pastor’s conference in the Tampa region. Our host, Pastor Daniel Benard, brought together many leaders. More than 40 pastors and leaders came together to hear us minister. I taught about “what the missional call of the church can be/accomplish.” Jason taught on “reaching culture by discipling our biological children.” God moved powerfully through our presentations, and the messages greatly impacted all the leaders!
Daniel and Kathy Benard do an amazing job leading “Somebody Cares” Tampa. They have become a primary center to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and be a disaster relief center for Tampa.
On January 21, I ministered to a dozen New Hope Community Church staff members led by Pastor Nick Paneca. I taught for an hour on “distinguishing between unity and oneness,” followed by a robust discussion. It helped them think of issues related to experiencing true oneness. On Sunday evening, I taught the congregation about the five snapshots of the great commission. God gave me great liberty and authority to speak with clarity and conviction to motivate the congregation to be missional like the first-century church.
On January 23, in Tampa, I taught dozens of pastors from the Global Harvest ministerial fellowship on “the maturing of the corporate Son” based on Ephesians 4:1-16. God gave me great clarity and authority to expound on the scriptures to bless the gathering.
Brazil Trip 2/1-2/9
On February 1, I ministered in San Paulo to about 30-40 of the top movement leaders of the nation! I surveyed the book of Acts and showed how almost every chapter presented a crisis for the Church and how it resulted in going to another level of faith in kingdom expansion. God moved powerfully and greatly blessed many leaders who now want me to come to their churches to minister.
The next evening, I spoke to a few hundred leaders, of whom 60 were pastors, and 8-10 were apostolic movement leaders. God gave me a strong prophetic word on “oneness” that brought great conviction and clarity as a challenge to the Brazillian church to unite every pastor and apostolic leader. Pastors and leaders responded, came to the front, and committed to building relationships as one body.
Friday morning, I taught 90 marketplace leaders “why we need to release the church in the workplace.” God gave me great liberty to teach, and the audience would not let me stop after 45 minutes. That evening, I spoke to about 60 marketplace leaders on “the call to work as our holy vocation.” God granted me great insight while I was sharing on the subject. I showed the connection between God’s creativity, shown in Genesis 1, and our call to be creative based on Genesis 1:26 as image bearers of God. This is also connected to our call to steward planet Earth.
The next day, I taught 90 marketplace leaders on five models for community transformation. God gave me great authority and clarity as I unpacked the difference between raw free-market capitalism and Kingdom economics. Then, I urged them to form partnerships and raise like-minded business leaders as a way of discipleship. I got a great response, and many of my translated books were sold!
On February 6, I spoke at a conference in Brazil at the “Dream of God” church. A great move of God fell on about 800 people to motivate them to have a multi-generational mindset to perpetuate a family dynasty.
On February 7, I did a podcast for the “Dream of God” church. I spoke about politics, the apostolic, and even nutrition and caring for ourselves physically so we can minister for a long time. Then, I spoke on the complete mission of Jesus and dealt with six things Jesus accomplished at the cross: He dealt with individual redemption. He dealt with reconciling the cosmos. He confronted the sin of the fallen angels. In Genesis 6, He broke the curse of the law. He reconciled ethnic nations divided after the tower of Babel’s scattering and defeated the principalities and powers that blinded the nations. God gave me great liberty in the Spirit. The spirit fell, and hundreds of people responded to get commissioned to be reconcilers and participate with Jesus in the renewal of all things in Creation.
In the capital city of Brazil (Brasília), I preached at the “Community of Nations” church, which has 30 campuses around Brazil and is one of the most influential churches in Latin America. Bishop JB has become a friend, and I look forward to working closely with him. I began a three-part series from Genesis 1:26- 28 on “six steps to cultural influence.” It was an extraordinary move of the spirit through preaching prophetically. The altar was filled with hundreds of the leaders in attendance.
I continued the series on six steps to cultural influence. I spoke to about 600 leaders about Genesis 1:28. I focused on what it means to fill the earth and how Jesus, as the last Adam, fills it by utilizing fivefold ministry to send people out to every realm of society.
In the second session, I spoke about what it meant to have dominion in society before there was a vast human population and how the word “dominion” was never used to have influence after the earth was populated. God gave me great grace to share how the church is called to be the salt and the light and to produce the world’s greatest problem solvers and gatekeepers. We win our communities by love and service, not by top-down politics.
I did a podcast with Bishop JB filled with theology, philosophy, and church history. We had a great time talking! God gave me an extraordinary amount of prophetic authority and clarity to teach the “complete mission of Jesus.” After I finished speaking, there was a weight/heaviness on the audience, almost a sacred atmosphere, where the truth of God fell. It was evident that people were processing and receiving the messages.
Bronx NY
Saturday, February 10
I led an affirmation service for Apostle Israel Peña and the “Flow Kingdom ministry.” This church was being attacked by other ministers in the city. The message was very powerful. I spoke on how churches go through different struggles and how nobody is perfect, but there are only two ministries in the world—the ministry of intercession and the ministry of accusation. There will always be something somebody can uncover, but by the grace of God, we are called to cover one another’s issues, and if we have to walk in Matthew 18, then we should speak directly to the person who offended us, not speak about them.
Queens New York
On February 15, I taught today on having a missional wineskin with a group of about 30 pastors in Queens under the leadership of my friend pastor, Joel Sadalpho.
Panama City Florida
I preached on February 19 at “High Praise Church” in Panama City, Florida, with Pastor Robert Gay. I received the word while sleeping at 5 AM to preach on Psalm 63. God moved very powerfully; hundreds came to the front, and a few dedicated their lives to a hunger for God. In the evening, I taught two sessions from my book on “Cutting-edge Leadership” to about 70 leaders. God gave me great grace to talk about why leaders rise and fall and how to discern between horses, sheep, and wolves. Many people came up to me later and said that it was very powerful, that they were greatly edified, and that they were taught how to run their businesses more efficiently.
City Church, Albany, New York
On February 26, I preached in “City Church,” Albany, New York, under the leadership of Pastor Michael Moore. I preached on the gift of hunger. God moved powerfully. Many people came to the front, seeking God, longing for God to turn their hearts towards hunger.
New Hope Church, Maryland
On March 5th, I ministered on “understanding the complete mission of Jesus” at “New Hope Christian Center,” Maryland. This is the church where Bishop Harry Jackson was the overseer until he passed away a few years ago. His daughter, Apostle Joni Jackson, has been leading the church and doing an outstanding job.
There were almost 1000 people in attendance. After the message, there was a strong move of the Spirit, with 3/4 of the church responding and coming to the front, crying and shaking under the presence of God as He was convicting them. There was also a commission to raise cultural creatives and problem solvers that would be sent all over the world to manifest the Kingdom.
Johannesburg, South Africa
On March 8th, I taught at the “Gate Church” in Johannesburg for their SA leadership conference, “Perspectives on the Apostolic,” led by Apostle Thamo Naidoo. Two hundred leaders came, and I taught three hours on “Seeing Jesus in the Book of Genesis.” God moved powerfully through the prophetic teaching. In the end, most came up to consecrate themselves to be friends of God.
On March 10, we launched the divided gospel conference. There were about 400 Leaders from the “Gate Church” and 50 pastors from all over the nation. I began a four-part series on “the divided Gospel.” On Friday night, I preached about how the church place and the workplace should not be separated. God moved powerfully through the teaching, and many leaders came up to consecrate themselves to witness Christ in the marketplace.
On March 11, I preached on the divided gospel to about 400 leaders. God gave me great prophetic grace and liberty to share. Apostle Thamo said that the teachings impacted his church and the leaders present.
The next day, the Lord gave me a message to share while I was half asleep at 5 AM on the strategies the serpent uses through the twisting of the Word of God. God dispensed His grace through me to impart a love for His Word. There was a call to accurately interpret the scriptures so we can withstand the attacks of the evil one, the way Jesus did when He was tempted by Satan.
CCC Face to Face Table, April 13-14
Over 60 pastors and movement leaders attended our annual Face-to-Face leadership table in New Rochelle, New York. We went through the book of Philippians together with seven movements and 21 speakers. It was a phenomenal time of learning the Word and edifying each other.
Ghana, Africa
I ministered Friday, May 26th, at the supernatural empowerment summit to 3,000 pastors in the “Perez Dome” in Accra, Ghana with Archbishop Charles Agynisare. I preached on “The Complete Mission of Jesus.” God moved powerfully through the preaching, and many of the top leaders in the conference told me that it strongly ministered to them.
On May 28th, in the Perez Dome, I taught the principle of faith from Hebrews 11:1-6.
Tampa, Florida, June 9-11
On Friday night, June 9, all the speakers for the “Buddy Up” men’s conference in Tampa met at Daniel and Kathy Benard’s house for a meal. I spent time with Bishop Vaughn McLaughlin, Doug Stringer, Daniel Benard, Kathy Bernard, my sons Justin and Jason, and others.
About 400 men came to the conference to hear some great national leaders such as Ken Harrelson, the CEO of Promise Keepers, Bishop Vaughn McLaughlin, the senior pastor of “The Potter’s House” church in Jacksonville, Florida, Doug Stringer (the founder and CEO of Somebody Cares Int., and more). The conference was put together by “Somebody Cares” Tampa leaders, Daniel and Kathy Bernard.
I preached on an overview of “the generational calling of the church,” illustrated from Genesis to Exodus to Acts, followed by Justin and Jason teaching on how to practically apply what I taught in biological families. God moved with grace and clarity through the presentations.
We all flowed together well in our teachings. My hope is that this will be a precedent for other biological families to minister together at conferences.
On Sunday, June 11, I preached in “Grace and Faith Church” on “how Jesus released human potential “ based on The Jesus Principles book. God gave me great grace, and many came to the front to dedicate themselves to allowing God to take them on a journey toward fulfilling their divine assignment. The senior pastor is Robert Scarallo.
Brazil Trip, June 19-29
In Brasilia, on June 21, I just ministered to several thousand people on living the Lord’s prayer. God gave me great grace and prophetic insight as I was teaching. Many responded, and about 30 people came forward for salvation after the message. The lead pastor is Apostle Tio Fadi; he is doing great work and has six other campuses in the city!
On June 22, I preached at “The Spheres Conference” hosted by Bishop JB in Brasília, Brazil. There were about 600 pastors from all over Brazil. I preached on the meta-narrative of scripture, using biblical theology to exegete the book of Ephesians. I could only get through the first chapter. God moved powerfully in the preaching, and everybody was very moved by truth. Bishop JB asked me to continue the teaching over the next two sessions. Friday evening, I preached on Ephesians 2-3 to 600 pastors. God gave me great prophetic insight to encourage the church to shift their mindsets towards being kingdom-minded.
As the last speaker, I wrapped up this three-day gathering. I preached to about 500 pastors at “The Spheres Conference.” I did an expository teaching on Ephesians 3-6. God gave me incredible insight, and the Word of the Lord went forth with clarity. Many pastors said they were stretched and now understand the kingdom of God better than ever. My goal is always to change mindsets; I don’t care much about exciting people’s emotions, but on changing how leaders think.
I’m delighted with how this whole conference went. Excellent speakers from all over Brazil were there. There’s a great move of God in this country, and I believe it is the epicenter for a revival for all of Latin America.
On June 25th, I preached in Sao Paulo to about 700-800 people in the “Dream of God Church” with their Apostle Welly Sierra. I preached on the missional calling of the church based upon Acts 1:8-9 and how the power of the spirit is not just for speaking in tongues, but primarily, He gives power to reach different cultures with strategy, linguistic skills, and the ability to communicate the gospel in the language of the people. God moved strongly. Even though I was challenged by the translator and had to go very slow, all of the ideas were communicated clearly, and almost everyone responded to be commissioned by God to be his witness.
On June 27, Apostle Welly drove me to the city of Campinas. I met in the airport for several hours with Apostle Adriano Santos, who leads a massive movement that equips leaders in Brazil – equipping tens of thousands of students in every state of the nation. I taught 100 pastors and leaders on staff at “From Love and Care Church” in the city of Aracatuba. I ended the conference with almost 2000 people in attendance, preaching on releasing the blessings of God through the church. God moved powerfully in both sessions, with everyone coming to the front and consecrating themselves for God to use them for His glory. As he was weeping, Pastor Marcello said that one of those sessions, which occurred once in a decade, changed his life. It gave him clarity as to who he was as a leader and strengthened the foundation of the church. I sensed and prophesied that the next 20 years would see massive growth with the expansion of churches and schools into Latin American nations and other continents.
The night session was another significant one as God gave me a word on Phil 4:19 and Deut. 8:18 to break the generational spirit of poverty over believers and release a great harvest of finances into this church movement, to purchase properties, and expand internationally. Pastor Marcello said God sent me for such a time when they needed someone who could take them to the next level!
Sioux City, Iowa
On August 6, I preached through 2 Timothy at “Cornerstone World Outreach” for Pastor Cary Gordon. I taught about building a generational church. The next day, I began a two-part series on “The Generational Mandate” from Genesis to Revelation. I ministered to hundreds of people, and several dozen pastors. Almost everyone responded to the article on “How to be a multi-generational church” and break the curse of fatherlessness in their community. I exegeted the book of Ephesians through the lens of the Kingdom. Over that week, God gave me great grace and anointing to preach. Additionally, all my books were sold, and I had a divine connection with Pastor Cary, an extraordinary prophetic leader in the church and political realm. He has amazing influence.
New Jersey
On August 11, I preached with my dear friend, Pastor Raul Burgos, in the “Comunidade Christian Fellowship.” He translated my message into Spanish as I preached on “the good samaritan.” God gave me great grace and anointing to bring to life this amazing story, motivate the church to love their neighbor and demonstrate the gospel through acts of kindness to strangers.
Cleveland, Ohio
From August 21 to the 23rd, I spent three days in Cleveland, Ohio, with Matteo Calisi, Bruno Lerullo, and Jim Surace. We strategized regarding a global ecumenical document regarding oneness in Christ between believing Roman Catholics and Evangelicals. We are going to release this in 2025.
On September 10, I preached in “Bethel Gospel Church” in Harlem. It is overseen by one of the city fathers, my dear friend, Bishop Carlton Browne. I preached on the purpose of the power based upon Acts 1:8-9. God moved through the preaching, and many people came up for prayer to be His witnesses.
Staten Island, NY
On September 17, I preached at “Nation Builders Church,” led by Carlos Jemenez, a key apostolic leader in the NY region. He is planning a massive worship gathering on July 5th at Madison Square Garden, NYC. I talked about the cultural transformation principles based on Genesis 1-2. God moved powerfully, and 3/4 of the church responded for a generational anointing to be culture shapers.
Argentina, 9/26-29
I ministered to several thousand leaders at the LAPET conference in Argentina led by Apostle Gustavo Lara. I preached to about 2800 leaders on the “attributes of the apostolic church.” Later on, I spoke to about 800 pastors from all over Latin America on “18 attributes of the apostolic church.” Then, I talked to the general assembly of about 3500 pastors and leaders on “apostolic and cultural influence.” I summarized the book of Ephesians chapter by chapter and illustrated how it connected to the pattern of cultural influence in Genesis 1-2. God moved powerfully through the teaching, and all the leaders were significantly impacted as the Scriptures were opened up to them.
My latest book, My Hermeneutic and Pauline Biblical Theology was released and came out as the number one new release in the category of ecclesiology!
CCC Leadership Retreat
On October 2-4, I ministered at “Generations Church” with my close friend Bishop Ray Mott. On October 8th, I preached at their 29th church anniversary service. God gave me insight into the message of the kingdom of God that Jesus preached—about another way of “going back to the Garden of Eden,” which is the theme from Genesis to Revelation. It has to do with the Church’s call to align earth with heaven. God gave me great grace to expound on this, and about half the church responded to “plant the Garden of the Lord” in the field that God has assigned to them.
On October 15th, I preached at “Agape House of Prayer” in Roselle, NJ led by Pastor Jide Lawore. This is a fantastic church that is a part of our apostolic family. I preached on how the church’s mandate is to release God’s wisdom to the world. God gave me great prophetic grace to show patterns of connection between the early chapters of Genesis and the letter to the Ephesians.
AI Summit, Valdosta, Georgia (hosted by my spiritual son, Pastor Mike Wells)
On October 20th, we did our first “Fear to Faith” AI Summit in Valdosta, Georgia. We had several dozen business leaders and pastors. We had a tremendous time that greatly impacted the business leaders of that church and community. I taught how Christianity impacted all of Western civilization and why we should continue to impact society, including using AI technology. There was an amazing reception to the message, with many people telling me they never heard anything like this before! They didn’t know Christianity had so much practical impact.
On October 22, I preached at “New Covenant Church.” I received a sense from the Lord to preach how the cross inverts worldly kingdoms and systems. God moved powerfully, brought great clarity and conviction, and confirmed what Pastor Mike Wells had taught in his church a few weeks before.
Freeport Bible Center, Long Island, NY
On October 29, I preached at the 37th anniversary of “Freeport Bible Center” in Long Island, NY. Pastor Carlos Luis Vargas oversees it. There were approximately 500 people, with many leaders present. I preached a prophetic word on nine ways to maintain the fire of God in the church. God moved powerfully, and many people responded and came up to receive the impartation of fire to be sent out to preach the gospel. Additionally, I taught several hundred bible school students at “Freeport Bible Church” on the purpose of Pentecost. God gave me a great anointing to challenge the church to be missional. Almost everyone came up for prayer and to be sent out to preach the gospel in their community and spheres of influence.
On November 13-16, I was at the ICAL conference. I spoke to about 300 leaders regarding the difference between revival, awakening, and reformation. God moved powerfully and gave me great fluidity and clarity. After I finished, many people approached me and invited me to minister in their nation.
Puerto Rico Leadership Conference
On Saturday, November 18th, I taught approximately 200 leaders in Puerto Rico, hosted by Apostle Luis Vargas. I taught on “The Garden of Eden and the Kingdom” and in another session I spoke on revival, awakening, and the local church. God gave me great grace to teach about 200 leaders, which significantly impacted their mindset and expanded their understanding of biblical interpretation. One of the most influential pastors on the island immediately invited me to come back ASAP to teach on these topics at a pastor’s conference.
On Sunday, the 19th, I preached in “Central Bible Church.” God gave me a word to teach about the overcoming church from Matthew 16:15-19. God enabled me to speak with authority and clarity, and a significant mind shift occurred which motivated the church to bring the gospel to the most dangerous communities on the island.
Regional meeting for pastors
On December 7, I spoke to several dozen significant tri-state pastors on the need for oneness as “one church, one city.” This is necessary if we are going to convince the world that the Father sent Jesus. This meeting was in preparation for the Madison Square Garden Adora America event. I’m helping the founder, Carlos Gimenez, and Pastor Ben Paz for that incredible gathering.
New Jersey
On December 17, I preached at “Communidad Christian Church” in New Jersey with Pastor Raul Burgos. I preached “15 Ways the Cross Inverted Worldly Kingdoms” to several hundred people. God gave me tremendous clarity and anointing as I taught. There were strong reactions from the congregation, and many people stood up at the end to receive Christ as Lord and Savior.
In conclusion, we had a spectacular and very impactful 2023! I look forward with great anticipation to the year 2024! I’m trusting God will do bigger and better things as we impact the world for Jesus!
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