MMI Ministry Report

Panama City, Panama

July 19-20, 2014

I was excited to minister in a conference on the Kingdom of God hosted by Pastor Ricardo Herrera in Panama City with other speakers which included Dr. Myles Munroe.

Saturday morning July 19

On Saturday morning I taught 100 Panamanian pastors and leaders on “The Historical Damage Caused by Separating the Gospel from the Kingdom”. God gave me great liberty to teach prophetically with a goal of shifting the thinking and mindsets of key leaders in the nation.

I taught, among other things, that when we isolate the gospel from its kingdom message we only deal with individual salvation but lose our culture. This is why many nations including the USA, and in Latin America and Africa, have a large percentage of Christians but have political, social and economic ideologies and systems that are unbiblical. There was a great response and many of the leaders were profoundly affected towards the kingdom message.

Saturday evening July 19

I was the keynote speaker at night and I felt to continue to release in Panama what I have been preaching in Latin America the past two years: teaching and releasing a generational anointing and mindset for kingdom influence. Everywhere I have been preaching I have seen a similar result that almost everyone in the audience comes forward to receive the Elijah-like anointing to restore families. In this meeting almost 1,000 came forward for this and there was a great power and presence of God released upon the people.

Sunday night July 20

I preached part two of the generational mindset message and again about 1,000 came up at the end with everyone crying out to God to restore their families, break generational curses and see the next generation do greater works than them.

I also made a strong connection with a young apostolic leader (Pastor Ricardo Herrera) who was the host. I made strong kingdom connections with fellow keynote speakers, key Latin American Apostle Basilio and Dr. Myles Munroe. Myles told me that he sees us working together in the future in different parts of the world. I have always admired Dr. Munroe as one of the leading experts on purpose, leadership and the kingdom. It was for such a time as this that God has connected all of us together.

Finally all the speakers spent Sunday night together for dinner and had a great time while celebrating my 56th birthday. My highlight of the evening was when Myles Munroe serenaded me by playing happy birthday on the piano. It was great fun and helped bond us all even more. After all, the Kingdom of God is built upon relationships not ministry! This was the third year in a row I have celebrated my birthday in Latin America. 

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